You play a lone autonomous drone sent many years ago by humans to a remote planet said to be the only one still producing Moonflowers. Your mission originally was to harvest these flowers and send them back, but a Moonflower eating alien civilization also sent an army of drones that has been wrecking havoc on the planet.

After arriving and finding a desolate place, your mission shifted to protect the only Moonflower you could find until a human mission arrives with help. This has been going on for years.

It's one more day until the supposed human mission arrives.

Made in around 6 days for GoedWare Jam Zero UI Edition with the theme Light and Darkness.

How to play

Your mission is to protect the last Moonflower from the intense light using your shadow, and from alien drones using the light you redirect.

Keep the Moonflower alive until the end of the day.

Cover the Moonflower with your shadow to start the game.


  • Use your [mouse] to move around.
  • Use [A] and [D] or [Left] and [Right] to rotate redirected light.
  • [P] or [Esc] to pause.


  • [Shift + F] to toggle full screen.
  • [Shift + R] to restart.
  • [U] to lower and [I] to raise music volume.
  • [J] to lower and [K] to raise music volume.


  • Be careful with the light you redirect as it can also hurt the Moonflower, especially if your shadow is not covering it!
  • The Moonflower will start to glow and become more resistant to all damage while under shadow!
  • The leaves on the Moonflower represent its remaining life.
  • The light you redirect deals more damage the closer you are to the target!

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